Sunday 31 December 2017


 After raiding the bandit camp and riding back Abraham fell off one of the stolen bikes, they managed to get him back to the ship but would need rest to recovour from his injurys.
 A regular trader who visits the starport offers them a deal, so simon trades in his now unreliable autogun for a local map.
 Simon attemps to find another autogun but can't find any for sale, and Rafflesnap finally resolves the problems between Simon and Abraham.

 For the next few days Abraham rests, Zia and Rafflesnap train but gain nothing. Simon goes out recruiting but can find no-one who wants to join.
 'Betty' discovours an oppotunity, he finds information on a group of ORANGE aliens (Golg merc) who have a nice loot pile.

 The scout they rescued had some handy information, Cornelius Columbus was working with UNITY agents and would update them on his activities by handing them a datapad every few weeks containing this information.
 That datapad could tell them where he has gone . . .

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