Saturday 31 March 2018

Upcoming Salute

Like all other wargamers i'm getting pretty excited about Salute 2018.
With my recent foray into the crucible i am keen to pick up some more forces.

So far my forces have had strong infantry but am really wanting an armoured engagement, with bits and bobs i have lying around i have 2/3 of a force of Podeles Lions.
I am currently working on a Federal Mechanised infantry detachment.

Have plans for building Oltenian mercs to fight on Cecach then build a Molt force.

Also very tempted to do the Kalan war, i have some Hiroseki and Stewart infantry lying around but no vehicles.

So much to do!!!

Loving the new stuff from brigade . . . Hmm maybe fosters mercs . . .

Thursday 15 March 2018

The Crucible!

Been a while since my last post, did'nt realise how much time had passed but having a new baby will do that.


Had the Crucible for quite some time but have never really read the rules or played the game. But a few months ago i read the book and liked the look so went about building some forces.
Now being a Slammers fan i have read all of Mr Drakes books and one of my favourites is the Forlorn Hope.

The first force i built was a Cecach Republican Spearhead force.

And as their opposition i had a force of Fasolini's Company (i picked these up last year from brigade models at salute, did have a nice shopping list for this years salute but with brigades new releases this list has suddenly grown bigger)

With the forces set a game was required, so last night at my gaming club Jim volunteered to command Fasolini's Company, leaving me with the Republicans.

We set up the board, the western side was hills with scattered woods while the eastern side was a partially ruined factory complex. Fasolini's Company set up in hiding while i moved on in the first turn.

My Convoy was led by the Eisenfaust MBT follwed by three Kastenwagons, two were APC's while the third was a command vehicle.
The battle opened with a buzzbomb boucing off the Eisenfausts front armour, the Command vehicle had machinegun rounds bounce off its side armour while the lead APC had its fans shot out by a second MG team which immobilised it.

The Eisenfaust fried an MG team with its main laser while the hull autocannon blew the buzzbomb team apart, the command vehicle headed off to to hide behind some trees and the tailing APC moved up, infantry bailed out of the immobilised APC and the combined fire of small arms and vehicle autocannons blew the second MG team apart.

From the western buildings Fasolini's infantry came, they assulted the Eisenfaust and the mobile APC as mortar rounds fell upon the Republican infantry blowing 2 infantry TU's apart.
An Fasolini gun system opened up from the hills destroying the weapon on the command vehicle, and the close assults had little effect on the vehicles.

The infantry that had disembarked from the immobilised APC advanced on the gun system, infantry from the second APC disembarked and swamped the merc infantry attacking their vehicle but their victory was short lived as mortars rained down on them causing heavy casualties.
The infantry assulting the MBT were successful and destroyed the tank.

And with that i had lost over 50% of my forces, game over.
There was little i could do as most of my infantry were destroyed, Eisenfaust destroyed and the APC's were slowly aquiring damage.

We were impressed at the ease and speed of the game, one thing we would like to change is the board size as ranges in the Crucible are huge and the game was played pretty much at short range so next time we will use a bigger board.