Friday 1 September 2017

Tomb Raiders

Rafflesnap, Zia and a goon travelled to the tomb site, unknown to them some Raiders that live in the area tracked them.

Turn 1-3 (standard)

The group head for the most northan Tomb, Zia manages to break the code on the seal quickly, inside is a box that Zia takes.

Turn 4 (Standard)

As they make their way towards the second Tomb the Raiders step out from their hiding positions,
"Hand over the goods, and we might let you go free"
Rafflesnap, started to debate with the Raider (bluff), this gave Zia and the goon time to reach the second Tomb.

Turn 5 & 6 (standard/firefight)

Zia starts hacking into the second Tomb as the Goon and Raider engage each other in a firefight with the Goon going down. The other two Raiders pin Rafflesnap down who panics, but he eventually gets a grip and takes a Raider down with his handcannon.

Turn 7 & 8 (standard)

Zia unlocks the second Tomb and as she turns to leave a Raider comes storming in to the tomb, she fires at him knocking him down. She runs out past the injured Goon shouting for Rafflesnap, they both escape the area with both artifacts.

The Goon awakes, injured with two Raiders looking down at him . . .


They get the items back to the Enclave, neither were the item that was expected, instead being a pair of death rays (which they took)
The team were given 7 alien artefacts and an Instruction manual for their efforts.

Rafflesnap takes up a hobby and they were contacted by Sirius Black, a local gang lord saying he might have work for them (new patron).
Once again Rafflesnap sat Abraham and Simon down to resolve their rivalry but once again failed.

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